Mukta K.



My name is Mukta. I have grown up where drug addiction is very common in every family. That’s why my parents were very anxious about my safety and they arranged my marriage, without my willingness, when I was 14 years old. My husband is an addict. He doesn’t provide my daily maintenance. Any money he earns, he uses for drugs. Because of this, we have some family problems. I must get food and daily needs from my parents.Now I am studying HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate) and I have a dream that I will earn money, finish my studies and help my family. I wanted to work at Basha Enterprises, so I told my husband about it and told him that it is a safe place to work with only women working there. When he heard this, he was willing for me to join. I am so happy that I have this opportunity to sew blankets for Basha. I believe when my husband will see that I am doing well, he will also take responsibility for our family.

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